Gently rolling heather- and forest-covered hills in the sun. The heather blooming in all its splendor. Your anticipation is growing. Finally! You’ve been looking forward to it all year. To your holiday. To Ringhotel Sellhorn. Welcome!

Welcome to Hotel Sellhorn
Quiet location with natural garden next to a nature reserve
We are a family-run hotel since 1873. Located in Hanstedt, in the middle of the Lüneburg Heath, we offer our guests overnight stays in our 50 double rooms, a café with delicious coffee and cake, a restaurant with regional delicacies, rooms for conferences and festivities as well as a wellness area with sauna, swimming pool and applications and treatments.

The ideal conference hotel in the Lüneburg Heath
Our conference area offers the perfect setting for your event 30 minutes from Hamburg. In addition to our eight professionally equipped conference rooms for up to 200 people, we offer you a complete service for your event. In addition to individual support, culinary catering, 50 quiet double rooms and a varied supporting program, there are many other amenities in the heart of the tranquil Lüneburg Heath.
Pamper your body and soul
Are you looking for pure relaxation? At the Ringhotel Sellhorn you will find just the right thing to pamper body and soul. Would you like to swim a few lengths in the beautiful pool or relax your tense muscles in the log cabin or bio sauna? You can also choose between the Ayurveda and cosmetic treatments, massages and the fitness studio.