Riding vacation in the Lüneburg Heath

Saddle up from the Hotel Sellhorn

Foto vom Ringhotel Sellhorn zeigt zwei Pferde und einen Reiter in der Lüneburger Heide beim Reiturlaub

Hotel in the Lüneburg Heath with horse

There are many reasons for a riding vacation in the best riding region of the Lüneburg Heath:

  • Guest horse boxes at Pohlmannshof in Nindorf (5 minutes by car from the hotel) and at the Reiterzentrum Hanstedt
  • Horseback rides through moors, marshes, river meadows, and heath landscapes
  • Riding schools: Hof + Gut Jesteburg, MaMa’s Ausbildungsstall in Döhle, Hof Vogt in Brackel
  • International tournaments in Luhmühlen
  • Celler Hengstparade
Blühende Heidelandschaft in der Lüneburger Heide Hotel

Riding in the Lüneburg Heath

The easy riding trails of the Lüneburg Heath also offer a great opportunity for children to discover nature. Make your loved ones happy and take your kids on a riding trip through the Lüneburg Heath. Simply contact us and we will help you plan your riding excursion in the Lüneburg Heath.

Combine your riding excursion in the Lüneburg Heath with an overnight stay

And let our unique homeland surprise you anew every day. We will be happy to advise you on how to organize your perfect riding trip in the Lüneburg Heath.

Book a riding vacation in the Lüneburg Heath